
Hey Guys!! My first week in the mission field has been great so far. I'm serving in Leipzig right now if you didn't already know. Leipzig is a really cool city and there's so much history here. I love my companion, Elder Wandtke, he's super kind and has been a great trainer. He's from Draper, Utah, and loves to skateboard, is a really good cook, and has great taste in music. We have been super busy going out and teaching and it feels so awesome to share with them the love Christ has for us. I went to Church yesterday in person for the first time in what felt like forever and it was so refreshing. I bore my testimony and felt the Holy Ghost so strongly. Our friend that we met on Friday came and he loved it. We were able to teach him after and we plan to meet later this week. Then we went to a member's house for dinner and she fed us a wonderful dinner. She fed us stuffed peppers and potatoes along with homemade ice cream. Today is P day which is a free day for missionaries to wash clothes, go grocery shopping and we can even do a little sightseeing. A member of our congregation gave us a tour of the city where we went to the church where Johanas Bach was employed and then saw the city skyline. Then my companion and I went to the park where we went skateboarding. I know during these uncertain times it can be a bit nerve-racking not knowing what's to come; however, if you have faith in Christ he will bless you with the peace and comfort to overcome the difficult times and discover the light in the world with so much darkness. "Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world, yea even a place at the right hand of God, which hope cometh of faith, maketh an anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God" - Ether 12:4 

Don't forget you can write to me at Winston.rothaermel@missionary.org

Love, Winston


  1. Hi Winston this is Eunhee :) Congrats on your new journey in Leipzig! Look forward to hearing more about your new life there... Stay healthy!


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