The Temple Week 2

Hi Guys!  It has been a crazy week.  On Sunday, I gave my farewell talk to my home church congregation in Cumming, Georgia. I was supposed to give the talk before I left, but due to active outbreaks of Covid in our community, the leaders felt it necessary to postpone church services until the end of September. We held the meeting via zoom, and I was able to share my testimony in German, as well as talk about why I choose to go on a mission. I have been so busy that I haven't had an opportunity to write.  Most of my day is spent studying the gospel and learning how to be an effective missionary.  I am really looking forward to going to Berlin this weekend and on Tuesday I will start my service as a full-time missionary.  Yesterday, I had the opportunity to attend the temple with my father.  What is the temple? See the videos below as they do a better job of explaining what they are all about. Earlier in the week, I had the opportunity to visit with my Aunt and Cousin Marc as well as spend time with my Oma and Opa.  Well, I better go!  I need to pack as we leave early in the morning.  Tschuss!

p.s. Don't forget to write to me at


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