The Hand of the Lord

                                                             Jager Schnitzel with Knoedel-Yum!
                                 Leipzig Lerch a dessert pie and specialty dessert of this area.
                                                                            St. Nicklaus Kirche

 Hey Guys!! This week has been great and I have been able to see the hand of the Lord in my life through a couple of miracles. Last week we went to our friend Romeo's store to meet with him and read from the Book of Mormon, however, he wasn't there. When we called him he said that he totally forgot because there was an issue with the lights at his other store and he was all stressed trying to fix it. He felt so bad about it that he promised to make it up by coming to church on Sunday, whenever he is usually busy with work. Then on Sunday, he came to church for the first time in over 18 years and he really enjoyed it. Another miracle I saw come to pass was when we were with our friend, Clinton from Cameroon, helping him find the court building he would need to be on the following day. The address on the document he showed us took us to a building in Leutschz. Thankfully this lady that worked there was walking out as we got there and she was able to tell us that it was the wrong building. What a blessing she was there because we got there an hour after it was closed and we were able to find the right building later on. He's been really stressed out about it the past couple of weeks and it would have been really bad if he had missed it.
     I read in Moroni 7 that many people believe miracles have ceased to happen on this earth today, however that couldn't be farther from the truth. In verse 37 it states: "Behold I say unto you, Nay; for it is by faith that miracles are wrought, and it is by faith that angels appear and minister unto men; wherefore if these things have ceased to be unto the children of men, for it is because of unbelief, and all is vain". All we need is faith and then we'll be able to see the miracles in our life. I would like to invite you guys to pray to God and ask him for help in seeing his hand in your life. 
    This week we traveled to Dresden where I had my first zone conference. I met our new mission president for the first time. During our interview he gave me the news that I will be transferred to Chemnitz on Wednesday, so today I have been busy preparing for that and enjoying my last P-day here in Leipzig. I want you guys to remember that God and Christ love you.

-Love Winston

The Monument of the Battle of the Nations


                The artwork was done by the sister missionaries who are serving here with us in Leipzig


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