I Can Now say I've Been to the Czech Republic Week 13

 Hey Guys! This past week we went on an exchange with the Erfurt Elders. We met them in Weimar where we spent the day meeting with members for appointments. I worked alongside Elder Hale and was able to learn a ton, he's really been a fantastic district leader. We spent a good deal of time this week working on strengthening our relationship with members here in Chemnitz. I know from personal experience and from the words of living prophets that missionaries and members together make a very powerful team.  Gaining the trust of the members is crucial if we want them to give us referrals.

This week we also had a "Mission tour" instead of a zone conference for this transfer. The President of the European Mission Area spoke with us over zoom on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. It was awesome and really spiritually strengthening. He is a really humble and inspiring guy. This morning our friend in the Philippines (Roy) was baptized and confirmed!! Elder Rowe(my current companion) and I were able to attend his baptism via zoom. Elder Wantke (my first companion) was also there and we were both able to share short messages. He was super joyful and felt the spirit strongly. Just a reminder about Roy in case you haven't read any of my previous letters, one day Roy messaged me on Facebook and asked me about our religion. Elder Wantke and I were able to teach him about the gospel. He was a golden investigator. He had a very strong testimony from the beginning and read the Book of Mormon every day after meeting us. He is a great guy and it's always a pleasure talking with him. Eventually, we were able to connect him with the sisters in his area and he accepted their invitation to be baptized. I know that the Lord is hastening his work and that it wasn't by coincidence that we came into contact. The Lord guided him in our direction because he knew he was ready to receive the gospel and I'm so thankful for all the new opportunities we have now to share the gospel through technology. Currently, we are teaching a woman and her daughter about the gospel.  She is really interested in knowing more about our church. Last week she came to church and really liked what she heard and saw.   Today for P-day (p-day is our free day off where we can do our laundry, call our families, go grocery shopping, and explore local tourist attractions) we drove down to this ski-resort village on the border of the Czech Republic which is within our mission boundaries. That was an absolute blast and now I can say I have been to the Czech Republic even if it was just to the border. I hope you guys all have a great week! Don't forget to write to me at Winston.Rothaermel@missionary.org

- Love Winston 


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