Light the World this Christmas Season week 18

Hey Guys!! On Tuesday we went on exchanges with Erfurt Elders over video call (cause of Rona). Elder Wilborny and I had comp study, worked through a module on edapp, and did some Facebook work together. We were planning to teach a friend but the lesson, unfortunately, fell through. Even though the exchange wasn't in-person we still had a great time and were able to learn from each other. Throughout the rest of the week, Elder Rowe and I met with friends and members. We also filmed a video for the Frieden in Christus- Südost Deutschland page about our experience giving thanks on Facebook. Posting on Facebook what I was grateful for each day was a great experience. It really helped me reflect and appreciate all the wonderful blessings Heavenly Father has given me.  I know that whenever I focus on those positives I always end up much happier in life and that same rule applies to everyone. We also are about to start our Christmas campaign tomorrow, so be on the lookout for that. It is called Light the World. Yesterday after church we were invited over by some members for the first advent. Advent is a celebration of the four Sundays leading up to Christmas.  It is a time for families to spend together and prepare for the holiday. They made us some pretty bomb swiss fondue and then we helped them decorate their Christmas tree. Today for P-Day (our day to rest and prepare for the week ahead) we went running in the morning and then video-called Roy (our friend in the Philippines who got baptized around a month ago). It brings me so much joy that he is doing well. He told us all about this mission prep class he attended and how he can't wait to preach the gospel full-time. We also read the Book of Mormon and explained some of Isaiah's writings in 2 Nephi haha. He wasn't able to understand some of it and to be honest, I don't either since Isaiah writes in a really symbolic manner, thankfully Elder Rowe has a really good knowledge of the Old Testament and we were able to pick it apart. Then we went grocery shopping, got some lunch in the city center, and we got haircuts. We then drove down to a town called Schwarzenberg around 45 minutes south of Chemnitz. We walked around and checked out this really cool castle there and all the pretty Christmas decorations they put up. To wrap things up this week has been A1. I hope you guys are all doing well and can see the light of Christ in your life as Christmas approaches. Don't forget you can write to me at


- Love Winston


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