Week 31 Brandenburg and der Havel


Hey Guys!! On Saturday, I got the news from the AP's that I would be transferred to Brandenburg on der Havel. I was so stoked to hear that news. I was dying to get out of Chemnitz after being there for the past 5 months. On Tuesday, I had to say goodbye to my comps, Elder Davis and Elder Witt. It was sad having to say goodbye. I'm definitely going to miss them and all the good times that we had together. I then hopped on my train which took me to Leipzig where I got to see Marc and quite a few other missionaries from the zone. After a short layover, my next train took me to Berlin where my new comp Elder Sciascia picked me up. Elder Sciascia is actually the first comp I've had whose not from Utah haha. He's from Melbourne Australia and he has a twin who serving in the Frankfurt mission. He's been serving a few months longer than me but he came into the Berlin mission at the same time as me because of Covid and we're finally reunited now. We've had a pretty solid week together. He showed me around Brandenburg and it's absolutely gorgeous. The city is made up of four islands which are surrounded by the river Havel. There are also these really cute stone streets and rustic buildings throughout the city. I also got to meet the branch members here, who are all really nice. For this upcoming transfer, I really want to get creative in finding online through social media and in person. One way we've done this is by listing a Book of Mormon on Facebook marketplace for free and seeing in anyone has an interest. I've also been trying to get involved in community groups on Facebook and really connect with people. Finally, I'm trying to post more on my personal account, testifying how the gospel of Jesus Christ has truly blessed my life. If you've made it this far you're the best. I hope you guys all have a wonderful week!

 - Love Winston 


  1. Ein sehr schöner Bericht. Ich glaube, dass. Tandemburg eine sehr schöne Stadt ist nachdem ich die tollen Aufnahmen gesehen habe. Du bist so voller Tatendrang, der Wechsel hat dir sehr gut getan. Jetzt ist Frühling und alles geht bergauf. Hoffe, dass wir die Pandemie bald in den Griff bekommen. Alles Liebe und Gute , viele Grüße von Oma und Opa


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