Week 34 Austauch with Potsdam + Zone Conference

 Hey Guys!!

This week was one of the best weeks ever!

On Thursday we went to Potsdam for exchanges with the elders there. I was with Elder Kasunick, who was one of Elder Davis' previous comps, for the day. To start off we all decided to drive to this park and do sprachstudium there, so we did. The park we went to was really cool, it was on this hill that sloped down towards the river and there were a couple of castles. After having sprachstudium we took some pictures and drove to the Innenstadt where we got some Döner and split off. I have to say, Elder Kasunick's a pretty cool guy. He's from Colorado Springs and is into sports, reading, and video games, and will be going to BYU. While we were eating we really hit it off and basically talked about the NBA the whole time.

After eating we were able to do some natural findings throughout the Innenstadt for a couple of hours and then we had an appointment with the Korpus Family. We mostly got to know each other since this was Elder Kasunick's first time there. After eating we got to share a spiritual thought on how exercising faith in Christ helps us to have a good attitude when facing challenges throughout this life and use Nephi vs Laman and Lemuel when in the desert as an example. They told us that they both, unfortunately, have cancer and that with all the treatment they need they wouldn't be able to take care of Sister Korpus' mother. Because of that, she will be put into a nursing home and she asked for a blessing of strength and comfort. Elder Kasunick gave the blessing and I took part and the spirit was so strong. After we finished she said that was just what she need and started crying. She told us she wondered what she would do in the nursing home with all her free time and during the blessing, she received the answer that she should talk to other people about Christ. That was such a great experience to be able to see Elder Kasunicks' "mouth be filled" as he followed the spirit and help someone out using the priesthood (the power and authority given to man to act in God's name).

On Friday I spent the day with Elder Jenkinson. He's also really cool. He's from Lindon, Utah studied at BYU for a year before coming out, played soccer in High School, and has great taste in music as he loves the band AJR just as much as I do. In the afternoon we had an appointment with this returning member and her two children who were five and six. Both of them were full of energy and playing with their toys the whole time, but they were cool and liked having us over. We got to know them a bit better and Elder Jenkinson was able to share our spiritual thought with them in a way that made it engaging for the children. He told it really simply and related Jesus to a superhero that helps us when we are in need. It was great and we were able to say a prayer with them before leaving.

Then on Saturday, we drove to Zone Conference and it was such an amazing time. It was so much better being able to have it in person than over zoom. Having it in person makes it way easier to focus than sitting in front of the computer. I also got to meet so many new people and also see old faces that I haven't seen in too long. President and Sister Menzel spoke to us about how we shouldn't be afraid to approach people on the street because when we follow the spirit "our mouths will be filled". They challenged us to talk to at least 10 people a day. I'm so excited to try this out and see all the success we will have from putting more effort into finding. I would like to invite you guys to follow the spirit of Christ in your lives as when you do you'll receive the strength, comfort, and guidance to make it through this life joyfully. I hope you guys have a great week celebrating Easter with family and remembering the greatest gift we have been given: The Atonement of Jesus Christ.

-Love Winston

P.S. Sorry this week was so long, I'll try to keep it shorter next time.

P.P.S If any of you guys have any questions please write me at winston.rothaermel@missionary.org or send me a message on Facebook

Babelsberg Castle and Park


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