Week 38 Georgia Boys in the House

Hey Guys!  How are you? I hope all is going well with all of you.  I had a fantastic week!  On Tuesday, I took the train to Berlin to drop off  Elder Sciascia.  He is transferring to Freiberg.  While I was waiting for my new companion to come, I was able to hook up with Elder Ames, and guess what he is from Georgia.  He lives near Savannah.  Anyway, we had a great time as we went into the city and saw some of the sights.  We visited the parliament,  the Jewish Memorial, and the Brandenburg Gate. Afterward, we went back to the train station and we saw a bunch of the other missionaries. My new companion is Elder Gagnon.  He is from Marietta, Georgia.  He is so lit!  We get along fantastically!

We have had a great week filled with finding.  We met this really nice lady.  It turns out she is from Hawaii.  She moved to Germany about 2 years ago.  Her German is perfect!  Then one day as we were walking in the park my companion saw a group of boys who were skateboarding.  He asked if he could ride their board.  Afterward, we were able to give them a Book of Mormon.  We met another nice lady who was willing to take a Book of Mormon from us, and we were able to exchange information with this younger man who is maybe 22 we will meet with him later this week to give him a discussion. We also met another guy who was super friendly with us and at first, we were speaking English with him.  When we switched to German he was completely blown away.  He couldn't believe how well we spoke German.  

So we had a couple funny moments this week.  One was when we were on the bus and we met a woman who had met with the missionaries previously.  Anyway, we asked her if she would like to meet again and she said no because she no longer lived in the area.  A few minutes later we see her get off with her companion and they walk up to their apartment with all their groceries.  Guess you win some and you lose some.  Another funny moment was we met this really nice dad and daughter.  They insisted on buying us some french fries.  Super nice, but the somewhat funny part of it was the dad was drunk.  

Update on my arm, I went to the doctor this week and when I got there they wouldn't take my insurance.  They wanted 70$ cash, but of course, I didn't have 70$ sitting in my wallet.  I have spoken with the right people so hopefully, the money will get put into my account this week and I can go get it looked at.  I should be getting my stitches out soon.  I have about 3 more weeks of wearing a cast.  Well, I gotta run.  Love you!  Don't forget to write me!   Winston

P.S.  Sending Birthday wishes to my Dad and my Oma this week.  Happy Birthday!  


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