Another Week in Brandenburg week 43
Hello! Another week has come and gone here in Brandenburg. Here are this week's highlights. This past Monday was a holiday-Pentecost. The city center has been filled with people and the river has been filled with boats. I wish I had remembered to take a photo because there were some really cool boats. This week we took some food to our friend Ibraham who we teach. He is sadly in quarantine because his co-worker tested positive for Corona and Ibraham had run out of food. Thankfully, he is negative. We became cabinet builders when a friend requested our help. In Germany, apartments are not equipped with cabinets and appliances, so you have to supply your own. We had a wonderful dinner with the Richters this week. They served us pumpkin soup and rhubarb cake. We followed our dinner by studying this week's Come Follow Me lesson. We also had lunch with them the following day in which we ate salmon with cream sauce, potatoes, and vegetables. While we are now meeting for sacrament we continue to meet online for Sunday School. Earlier in the week, we had a district meeting. This was over zoom and I look forward to when we can do this in person. We also celebrated two birthdays with ward members. The almond cake was wonderful. The ward is so nice! While it is small it feels like a family. Needless to say, it has been a very busy week. Just want to give a shout-out to my Oma and say hello to my Tante Martina. I wish I had more time to write, but we have been so busy. One more thing, I might be getting my splint off in a week. I have an appointment with the doctor and I am hoping he will give me a prescription for physical therapy. Well, I better go! Till next week, Love you all -Winston
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