Saying Goodbye to Brandenburg and der Havel week 44

Well, This was my last week here in Brandenburg an der Havel.  I am going to be sad to say goodbye to this city.  I really loved the ward as we were like a family. The city is just gorgeous. I am also sad to say goodbye to my companion Elder Gagnon.  He has been a great companion.  The Mission President called us on Friday and told us we would be transferred.  I am going to Braunschweig which is in the Hannover Zone and Elder Gagnon is staying in our zone, but going to be in the Marzahn area of Berlin. Today we are saying goodbye to all our friends we have made here and packing up our things along with cleaning up the apartment.  This past week has been good as I no longer have to wear my cast all the time and I have been able to work out with my companion. Well, While I am sad to go, I know Heavenly Father needs me in Braunschweig.  I better go for now as we have a lot to do!  Till next week-Winston

                                                          Helping our friend Mary paint

                                                                 The streets of Brandenburg


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