Week 50 Pressing Forward in Braunschweig

Hello from Braunschweig.  Here are this week's highlights!  

1) Said goodbye to Elder Liddiard.  He is transferring to Berlin.

2) I got a new companion Elder Hugg.  He is from New Braunfels, Texas.  He is the district leader and I am his assistant.

3) We worked really hard this week and we were able to add 5 new friends to our teaching pool.

4) We had a funny experience one afternoon when we met this neo-nazi.  We had a good talk with him about the church.  Later when we were on the way home, we saw a ton of police action.  Apparently, the neo-nazi group was in a bit of a scuffle with some Antifa people.

5) We were able to do some service work for an older couple in our ward helping them move some furniture.  They rewarded us with Doner for dinner.

Have a great week!  Love, Winston


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