ET, 1 Year Mark, BOM Challenge

Hello!  This past week has been an absolute rollercoaster ride:

Tuesday- The Hildesheim Elders came to town for exchanges. I split off with Elder Winter and we went street-finding for most of the day. Within the first hour, we were able to pass out two Books of Mormons. Then, later on, we had a conversation with this really interesting guy who said he could walk on water. I asked him to show us right then and there, but he said he needed to think about it. That discussion we had didn’t end up anywhere, and we continued on our search.  Around 8 pm we got a call from President Menzel saying that we were going to be emergency transferred. It was such a shock, he told us that my comp, Elder Hugg would be going to Neumünster and the Hildesheim Elders would be taking me back with them. 

Wednesday- In the morning we had district council and had to share the sad news. Then we spent most of the afternoon packing and cleaning the apartment. In the evening Sister Luck invited us all over for dinner, one last time before we left. Sister Luck is the kindest old lady that you will ever meet. Since I got to Brunswick she has had us over more times than I can count. She always cooks the best food. This time we had currywurst using Volkswagen brats. Yeah, you read that right. Volkswagen not only makes cars, but they also make the best bratwursts. 

Thursday - was my 1-year mark. It’s so hard to believe that I’ve been out on my mission for a year already. It's crazy how time flies. This last year was the best of my life. I got to serve in insanely stunning Germany, the land of my ancestors. Being able to invite others to come unto Christ each day has brought me so much joy. Nothing is more satisfying than seeing the gospel transform the lives of others. I also got to know so many amazing people who helped me learn and grow along the way. I can't wait for this next year and all that lies ahead. (Check out my Facebook post if you’d like to see my fav pics from this past year). Shoutout to all those that showed me, love.  

That morning I got my 2nd shot of the Pfizer/Biontech Covid vaccine thanks to Brother Jobs in the ward. Then in the afternoon Elder Bueno, Winter, and I headed to Hildesheim. It was pretty difficult to leave Brunswich so suddenly. The members of Brunswick were really the best. They were all so ready to help us with the work when we needed them. Plus we also lived right in the middle of the city which was perfect for finding, since it was always hoppin. I don't know why the Lord needs me here in Hildesheim but one day it will be more clear.


Friday- We went to Goslar, this small town in our area 40 mins away by train. Once we got there we ate lunch in the city center at this restaurant called Wildfang. I got Käse Spätzle, which is basically german mac n cheese. We then did a bit of finding and came upon this candy store that sells American cereal. Elder Beuno was able to capture Elder Winter’s and my reaction haha. We then headed off to deliver a Book of Mormon to a referral we got. Google maps legit took us on a hike, up the side of a mountain to get to this person's house. The views were absolutely gorgeous, and it was such a fun time. Once we got back to Hildesheim we were able to help a member take everything out of her basement and load it onto a trailer, to take to her new apartment.

Saturday- We were invited over for lunch by the Meyers. They also invited their friend who they’d brought to church the past few weeks. He wanted to sit back and observe for a bit before meeting with us. Now he’s finally ready to be taught and the first lesson went so well!!    

Sunday- I got to introduce myself in church and bear my testimony. I talked about the current Book of Mormon Challenge our mission is currently doing and what the book means to me. For those of you who aren’t members of my church, The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ that works alongside The Bible to bring us the complete Gospel of Jesus Christ. It lays out his plan for us so simply (what we need to do to return to our Heavenly Father’s presence and live with him in a state of eternal happiness). It also serves as proof that Joseph Smith was called a prophet and that God continues to speak to his children through prophets today. This book has brought me so much joy as I read it each day and I can’t deny that it’s the word of God. If you have any questions or would like a copy, please message me!!       

Today For P- day we went and ate lunch at this boujee bagel place here in Hildesheim. I got the Motown Philly which was this wonderfully magnificent creation that contained cream cheese, pastrami, jalapeno, tomato, bacon, red onion, pickles, honey mustard, and bbq sauce. We also got to teach The Restoration to these two kids in our ward who are preparing for baptism. They both knew so much already and are so excited to make this covenant with the Lord.   

If you read to the end you’re a G! I hope y’all have a great week filled with joy. 

- Elder Rothärmel


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