Busy In the Work

It's been a hot minute since I have written, but a lot has been going on and I find I don't have a lot of free time to write.  We have been working hard here in Hildesheim to bring the gospel to all those who are willing to listen.  As we have worked hard, we have seen miracles and have found new friends to teach.  One of our friends is George and we are praying hard that he will accept the gospel.  Another friend of ours is Ali and we have been working with him over the last couple of weeks.  We are also working with our church congregation (ward) in giving a mission prep class to that who are thinking about going on a mission or who are preparing to go on a mission.  That has been fun!  I really like Hildesheim and am hoping I will get to continue to stay here for a while, but who knows we could both be up for transfers soon.  Happy 50th Birthday to my mom this past week. I hope you had a wonderful birthday and enjoyed your vacation to Portugal. I hope everyone is doing well.  Winston


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