Zone Conference and Exchanges


Another week has come and gone!  We had such a good week.  The week began with Zone Conference and we had a really good lesson from President Menzel.  He talked to us about asking ourselves what would Jesus do?  Asking this question then seems to put everything into perspective for example if you are mad and so on.  He also talked about how Laman and Lemuel were willing to get on the boat but lacked the desire to make good choices.  He then applied that to missionary work.  Are we like Lamen and Lemuel who lack the desire to continue to put in our all on our missions?  At Conference, I was able to see Allison Kunz and Elder Vermuelen who are from Cumming, Georgia as well.  After the conference and district council, the elders came from Bremen and did exchanges with us.  On the first day, I paired up with Elder Schildknecht who is new to the mission and on the second day I paired up with Elder Buchmiller.  We had a great time together!  We had great success this week.  We were able to pass out many Books of Mormons.  We met a lady from Bulgaria and were able to give her a book in her native language.  Then we met a woman from Afghanistan who would like to learn more about Christianity and will give her a book when the Persian version comes into the office.  A brother from our ward will go with us when we do as he also speaks Persian.  Our friend Housan gave us a beautiful copy of the Koran this week and I can't wait until I have more time to then be able to read it.  We also were able to meet with our friend George and teach him about the Holy Ghost. On Sunday, I bore my testimony in church and we ended our week with dinner at the Bishop's (Britterlaben) house where we ate so delicious chicken enchiladas.  Yum!  Then we participated in a conference with Elder Bednar who spoke to all the youth and young adults throughout Germany.  This was pretty cool!  Today, my companion and I treated ourselves to some Pho.  Pretty good but not as good as Ramen.  Well, I gotta run!  Have a great week!  Winston


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