Count Your Many Blessings

 Aye, Wie Geht's!? This last week was all over the place. 

Elder Beuno caught a cold and then passed it on to me. I've had a sore throat and on-and-off headaches. We've had to power through lessons. Thankfully we had General Conference the last couple of days and have had the opportunity to rest a bit. 

On Tuesday we met with a young man who we found last week. He invited his brother and we were able to tell him all about the Book of Mormon. We also met with our new ward mission leader for the first time to counsel about the work here. He just got back from the Alpine German-Speaking Mission and is totally open to being a joint teacher which is dope. 

On Wednesday we held our second mission prep class for the youth in our ward. We spoke about how one can have an effective scripture study. In the end, we did a roleplay. We gave them a few minutes to find a scripture about Jesus and then explain who he is to a partner. They loved it and it was a great time. 

On Thursday we met with a friend who has been making really good progress. The next time we meet with him we're planning to extend the invitation to be baptized. We also met with a referral we got. He treated us to dinner at this burger and schnitzel place. He seemed quite open to accepting the gospel. 

At the beginning of the transfer, we baptized this boy we taught from a family that returned to the church. On Saturday I had the honor of getting to baptize his little brother. The spirit was so strong and the service was phenomenal. Afterward, we were invited over for dinner and to watch General Conference with them. 

For those of you who don't know what General Conference is, you are missing out. It is a Conference that our church holds every 6 months where we get to hear from modern-day Prophets and Apostles. It allows us to receive guidance for challenges that we face in our time. All are welcome to view and listen to the messages. The last session was yesterday afternoon; however, they are always available on our church's website which is www.

My favorite talk from the sessions I've seen so far was from Elder Villanueva. It really is true that happiness is a choice. Of course, we can't choose the circumstances in which we live; however, we can choose where we place our focus. If we focus on all the hardships in our life we'll be sad. If we focus on all the blessings in our life, then we'll be joyful. I invite you all to focus on the blessings in your life. Have a great week! 

Love Winston 


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