Berlin for the Day

Hi!  Another week has come and gone!  The highlight of the week was traveling to Berlin to listen to Elder De Feo speak.  He is a member of the 70 and spoke to us on faith and how when we have faith our efforts will multiply.  He used the example of how Elisha the prophet told this old woman to borrow some pots because her oil was really low.  When she did, the oil was then multiplied.  His talk was really good.  It was fun seeing everyone as well. We also got to hear President Menzel speak to us and this time he spoke to us in English which was kind of funny as he normally only talks to us in German. The only downside was that we had to get up at 3:15 in the morning to catch the train and be in Berlin by 8:00 a.m.  We took the train from Hildesheim to Hannover and then took the ICE from Hannover to Berlin.  Another highlight of the week was getting to talk to my whole family.   Church on Sunday was good this week.  Afterward, we went to a member's house for dinner and had a raclette. Coincidently, it also happened to be the first Advent.  As I mentioned in last week's email the Christmas markets are open and now that I finally got my bank card.  We were able to go!  Also, thank you Oma for sending me some money.  I really appreciate it!  

The work has definitely slowed down due to it being so cold and it getting dark at 4:00, so we are really going to have to be creative in terms of finding new people to teach. Thankfully, we have a couple of people we are teaching.  Tomorrow, we are heading to Gottingen to do exchanges with the Elders who serve there!  I am excited!  Well, I better run as we have a few appointments this afternoon.   As Christmas approaches, I invite you to get out there and serve others as there is no greater way to express God's love for us but to serve his children.  If you are looking for ideas you can find them at 

“Glory be to God in the highest, and peace on earth, and well-being to man”
-Luke 2:14

 Love, Winston   


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