Week 66

This week's adventures in Hildesheim were a little underwhelming as most of our appointments were canceled for one reason or another.  We hit the pavement and looked for new friends to teach and share the gospel with, but we didn't have much luck.  One highlight of the week was that we were able to travel to Hannover and have District Counsel with President Menzel and his wife.  I wish I had more to report on!  Today for p-day we went out and expanded our Turkish food palate.  I had a meat and rice platter that was so delicious.  Yum!  Things I am looking forward to are that next week we are going to go to Gottingen and we have exchanges coming up in Bremen.  I can't wait!  Well, I have gotta run as I have a dentist's appointment in a few minutes.  Hope everyone is doing well!  

Just some things I found funny!

Celebrating one year anniversary of Roy's baptism


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