Weeks 67 & 68

The last two weeks have been a whirlwind.  Once every 6 weeks, we get to go on what is called Austauch which in English translates to exchange. What this means is that we get to travel to another city and meet up with the Elders who are serving in that area. We then split up into pairs and go out finding, serving, or giving lessons. Currently, Elder Hansen and Elder Herycz are serving in Bremen. During this exchange, we went to the city of Bremen.  I was surprised at how big the city was as I thought it would be much smaller.  I would say the city is probably as big as the city of Hannover.  It was a good exchange.  On p-day, we went to the city of Gottingen to hang out with Elder Dobbs, Elder Vermeulen, and Elder Bunker.  We played Tennis and then went to a bougie Italian restaurant.  I had the Chicken Alfredo which was so good.  The work has been slow lately, but we have lots to look forward to such as a General Authority coming to speak to us and we are going to go to the Temple as a mission in December.  Since Elder Bueno goes home tomorrow, we have had a ton of lunch appointments.  We had dinner with one of my favorite families in the world the Meyers and were treated to schnitzel, rot kohl, and spaetzle.  The Scholz family also had us for Pizza one night, and one day we took the train out to this Venezuelan sister's house in Goslar where she made us these really awesome sandwiches made with chicken, beef, and a ton of toppings along with a  BBQ special sauces.  Yum!  Talking about good food, one day when we were in Hannover we went to this Hamburger restaurant called Food Brothers, and it was seriously the best burger I have had in my life. Oh, I finally got my tooth fixed.  I was able to get a retainer put in my mouth to keep my tooth from falling out.  Other than that, I hope everyone is doing well.  If you have time, write me a letter.  I love getting your letters.  Love, Winston

                                   Disclaimer:  No Elders were hurt in the production of these photos.
                                                             Elder Bueno completes his mission.


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