Gottingen, Hanover, and Working Hard

Hello, It has been a super busy week. I hope you are all doing well.   On Tuesday and Wednesday, we traveled to Gottingen to do an exchange with Elder Bassett and Elder Mayfield.  We had a really good time with them!  Next up, We have been super busy teaching people. This week we had two appointments with this woman from Kenya.  We challenged her to read the book of Mormon after our first visit and when we taught her for the second appointment she had already downloaded the book in her language. She has read some from the book and told us she believes it to be true.  Since we don't live close to her, we turned her over to the Elders who live in her area.  We have also had appointments with a few other people.  On Saturday, we took the bus out to this really small village to do some service work for this lady.  We helped her clean out her chicken coops and her horse stalls.  Afterward, she gave us some eggs.  On the way home, we don't know what happened but the bus never came. We waited for two hours and in the end, had to call a ward member to come and pick us up.  The church program was really good on Sunday.  Afterward, we had lunch provided to us by a sister in the ward followed by personal study at home, and a few appointments.  We ended our evening with an address given by Elder Cook.   Today, I got a haircut and we took the train to Hannover to hang with the Elders for our p-day.  Elder Gagnon and I made eggs and pancakes for our companions.  Well, I gotta run to catch the train back to Hildesheim.  Have a wonderful week.  Winston

Mosiah 2:17 And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.


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