Fishing Worldwide

Hey Guys!! 

I've been doing seemingly well lately. We've been balancing our work across multiple ponds. We have had quite a bit of success recently teaching people from all over the world, online. We've been working with people from the United States, Mexico, Nigeria, Kenya, Mozambique, the democratic republic of the congo, Pakistan, Nepal, and the Philippines. It is really exciting,  I just wish we'd be able to teach the people longer. Once they show interest we have to refer them to the local missionaries. 

Here are some highlights from my week:• On Wednesday evening we video-called Raza, a pastor in Pakistan. He told us that he wants us to preach to his congregation this coming Friday. We've been trying to get into contact with the missionaries there, so they could better take advantage of this opportunity. 

• On Thursday it snowed and it actually stuck. So far this winter, there have been so many times where it had snowed but never stuck, and this time it finally did! Because of the snow, there were so many people out and about which made it perfect for finding. 
• On Friday afternoon we were finally able to meet with this older couple from Syria for
the first time. A couple of weeks ago they texted us out of the blue and said that they wanted to meet. Since then we had set appointments, but they kept on canceling. We were able to give them a church tour and then get to know them. We weren't able to find out how they got our number because their German isn't the best, but they said they have an interest in coming to church. Later that evening we were able to find a member, who lives in Berlin & knows Arabic, who would be able to help us teach them!!
• On Saturday we helped a brother in our ward clean out his Greenhouse which was so much fun!! We filled wheelbarrows with chopped wood and then dumped it into the back of his trailer, where he would then drive it over to where it needed to be
• We were also invited over for lunch by this guy I had been writing to on Facebook. He made us a traditional dish from Gaza, where he's from. The food was sooo good. He made marinated chicken with potatoes and flatbread. He's 26 and just moved to Hildesheim a few weeks ago. He told us about how he had to flee over 4 years ago because of the conflict between Isreal and Palestine. He wants to work so he can support his family who is back in Gaza but has to go through some legal proceedings before he can. He's Muslim so he didn't have any interest in learning about the gospel but we're going to try and stay in contact with him, hang out on P-Day, and try and help him in any way we can. Serving here in Germany is so cool as I get to meet people from all over the world and learn about their cultures. 
• Yesterday evening we had a Europe-wide devotional where We got to hear from Elder Bednar and President Nelson. It was so. In the beginning, they played a video that portrayed the history of the church in Europe and they both shared spiritual experiences that they have had here. 
After the devotional, we had a mission-wide meeting where we discussed the devotional. In the end, President Menzel then dropped that we would have a Mission Tour with President Kopischke of the area presidency next transfer. And even crazier, that we would be receiving 13 new missionaries within the next week because of political unrest in Ukraine. All the missionaries there have to leave the country, and we're fortunate enough to adopt some of them. That means that I could be getting another companion within the next couple of days.

Spiritual thought: 
Serving others is when I feel the most joy in life. I never want my mission to end, however, it will eventually. Thankfully there are so many ways to serve people aside from going on a mission. I'm looking forward to the opportunities I'll get to help my family, roommates, and peers.  I invite you guys to think of one way you can serve someone else this coming week, do it, and reflect on how you felt as you did. I promise you, that you'll be able to receive as much joy as I do when I serve others. When you are done, let me know how it goes!! 

Till next week, Winston


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