Finding Joy

The Book of Mormon talks about God and how we can strengthen our relationship with Him. At the beginning of the book, there is a family that must go through the wilderness to avoid the destruction of Jerusalem. You went through the wilderness for 8 years until you came to the land God had prepared for you. There are two sons who described this time the first one said

20 “We have walked in the wilderness all these years; and our women have clothed themselves, while they were pregnant and heavy bodies; and they have given birth to children in the wilderness, and have suffered everything but death, and it would be enough been r for them before they move out to die from Jerusalem than to suffer these threats.
21 See, all these years we have suffered in the wilderness, and among them, we could have enjoyed our possessions and the land of our heritage; yes, and we could have been happy. "
This son was totally dissatisfied during that time. He only thought about what was in Jerusalem and not the many blessings he was given.
And one of the other sons said "
1 And it happened: We continued our journey into the wilderness, and from time we moved to the eastward. And we wandered and waved through much persecution in the wilderness, and our women gave birth to children in the wilderness.
2 And so great blessed did the Lord pour upon us, that our women were able to absorb their children abundantly and were strong, yes, even as the men, while we lived in the wilderness of raw meat; and they began their journey without a murmur to bear.
3 And so we see that the commandments of God must be fulfilled. And if it is so that the children of men keep the commandments of God, he nourishes them and strengthens them and makes means, by which they may accomplish what he hath given them; therefore he also had prepared means for us, while we are in the will that's why. "
Because he practiced faith in God, he was able to focus on all the blessings he received. He was happy that they were safe from the destruction of Israel and that they got everything they needed from God.
Like this son, I have really seen during this pandemic that when I practiced my faith in God he helped me to be happy despite how hard it was. At the beginning of the first lockdown, everything was canceled and I couldn't see my friends anymore. This was very overwhelming after practicing faith I was able to focus on the positive that I had more time with my family and preparing for my mission.
Will you turn to God so that you can have joy in spite of hard times?
If you are interested in learning more about the Book of Mormon and how God can help you, you can PM me and I will be happy to tell you more about it.


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