A Week of Miracles

1) Tuesday we went finding. We were having no luck. After two hours we said a prayer and asked Heavenly Father if he would help us find someone we could share the gospel with. Not long after we said the prayer, we met a woman and were able to give her the whole first discussion and we were able to pass out some contact cards. 2)Wednesday, we had a district council. We had a really great meeting and afterward we had a potluck. Each of us brought something to share. We brought a roast. 3) Thursday we had a zone conference. It was epic. We talked about flooding the mission with the gospel and the importance of the Book of Mormon. At the conference, each set of missionaries was given boxes of the Boof of Mormon. We have a goal as a mission to pass out 2,000 Books of Mormons by the end of our 40-day challenge. Afterward, we had a BBQ. The food was so good. We had Schwein steaks and brats, bread, brownies, and a few...