Week 79 A second weekly in a row- What's going on!?
Yo was geht ab!? On Saturday I hit my 18th-month mark which is so crazy to think about . Time really does fly when you're having fun. I also found out that I'll be released on the 21st of July, which was a bit earlier than expected but oh well. The plan right now is for me to join my family in Frankfurt since they'll be there for the summer and go home with them on the 28th. So I'll first be available to meet in person near the end of July and early August. I'm also having to look into housing for BYU already. I'm not really sure if I want to stay on campus or off. For those of you who went to BYU or are there right now, what are the pros and cons of both? Besides finding out my plans for when I go home, this week has been pretty good. Right now I'm still serving in the city of Hildesheim and I love it here. I've been here for 6 months already, so I'll probably get booted somewhere else next transfer. If I do I hope I go to a big city like Hamburg ...