
Showing posts from January, 2022

Week 79 A second weekly in a row- What's going on!?

Yo was geht ab!? On Saturday I hit my 18th-month mark which is so crazy to think about .  Time really does fly when you're having fun. I also found out that I'll be released on the 21st of July, which was a bit earlier than expected but oh well. The plan right now is for me to join my family in Frankfurt since they'll be there for the summer and go home with them on the 28th. So I'll first be available to meet in person near the end of July and early August. I'm also having to look into housing for BYU already. I'm not really sure if I want to stay on campus or off. For those of you who went to BYU or are there right now, what are the pros and cons of both?  Besides finding out my plans for when I go home, this week has been pretty good. Right now I'm still serving in the city of Hildesheim and I love it here. I've been here for 6 months already, so I'll probably get booted somewhere else next transfer. If I do I hope I go to a big city like Hamburg ...

Part 2 Fishing a Worldwide Net


Fishing Worldwide

Hey Guys!!  I've been doing seemingly well lately. We've been balancing our work across multiple ponds. We have had quite a bit of success recently teaching people from all over the world, online. We've been working with people from the United States, Mexico, Nigeria, Kenya, Mozambique, the democratic republic of the congo, Pakistan, Nepal, and the Philippines. It is really exciting,  I just wish we'd be able to teach the people longer. Once they show interest we have to refer them to the local missionaries.  Here are some highlights from my week: • On Wednesday evening we video-called Raza, a pastor in Pakistan. He told us that he wants us to preach to his congregation this coming Friday. We've been trying to get into contact with the missionaries there, so they could better take advantage of this opportunity.  • On Thursday it snowed and it actually stuck. So far this winter, there have been so many times where it had snowed but never stuck, and this time it final...

Exchanges in Gottingen

Hi! It is Winston’s mom again or rather his personal scribe. This week Winston went to the town of Gottingen with his companion to do exchanges. Currently serving in that area are Elder Mayfield and Elder Bassett.  Accordingly to Winston, they had an awesome time. Stay tuned as I hope to add more to this post at some point during the day if I hear from him.   

Friends in all places!

 Hello! This is Winston’s mom! He ran out of time to write this week. Here is what he has been up to. This past week they found a couple new friends through tracking.  What’s traction? Tracking is where you go door to door. Street finding is another term used and this is where you find people in parks, city centers, and on the bus, or train. He had a zone conference this week, except it was done via zoom since President Menzel and Sister Menzel have Covid. One of the talks at the conference was about how we can have real joy in all our circumstances. He was able to give another lesson to a friend in Kenya and she was actually able to attend church this week. He was also to make a new friend who he is teaching in Pakistan, so now he can say he has friends all over the world.  He has also been looking at classes for next fall and places to live when he attends BYU.  No decisions have been made yet. I am not sure what is up with all the food pictures. He said why not fo...

Happy New Year

Hello! I am still here in Hildesheim. I love it here though, so it is no big deal. Christmas was great! We had three meal appointments: one on Christmas Eve, one on Christmas, and one on Boxing Day but it isn’t called Boxing Day here. The food was fantastic and the members are great here. I got to speak to my family on New Year's Eve! We continue to teach our friends and look for new friends. It has been a little slow because of the holidays. One of our friends came to church this week. He loves it! Really not much to talk about! Love, Winston