
Showing posts from August, 2020

Week 5

This week I had my first exchange and it was a ton of fun. The Erfurt Elders came over and I spent the day with Elder Obrist.  He is super cool! He is 22, which makes him older than the rest of us. Before leaving for his mission, he worked in the house-building industry and served in the Swiss military, so I was able to learn a lot from him. We had companionship study together and then we went to Schwester Karl's place for an appointment. Schwester Karl is the sweetest lady and always loves having the missionaries over. When we were leaving she gave us a ton of food to take home with us which was dope. I also finished my Technology training this week so I can finally use Facebook now. I'm thankful that we have the blessing of technology as it opens so many opportunities for sharing the love that Jesus Christ has for us with others. On Thursday we got notified that my mission President is currently in the hospital and will need surgery, so it would mean the world to me if you co...


Hey Guys!! My first week in the mission field has been great so far. I'm serving in Leipzig right now if you didn't already know. Leipzig is a really cool city and there's so much history here. I love my companion, Elder Wandtke, he's super kind and has been a great trainer. He's from Draper, Utah, and loves to skateboard, is a really good cook, and has great taste in music. We have been super busy going out and teaching and it feels so awesome to share with them the love Christ has for us. I went to Church yesterday in person for the first time in what felt like forever and it was so refreshing. I bore my testimony and felt the Holy Ghost so strongly. Our friend that we met on Friday came and he loved it. We were able to teach him after and we plan to meet later this week. Then we went to a member's house for dinner and she fed us a wonderful dinner. She fed us stuffed peppers and potatoes along with homemade ice cream. Today is P day which is a free day for m...

Additional Photos of Berlin

The Jewish Memorial The Berlin Wall Museum Island  My Hotel Room Shared my room with Elder Sciacia from Australia

Letter from the Mission President

Lieber Bruder und Schwester Rothaermel, Elder Rothaermel ist am Deinstag von seinem Vater in Berlin angekommen.  Es war ein Vergnuegen Bruder Rothaermel kennenlernen su duerfen.  Am Mittwoch is Elder Rothaermel in sein erstes Gebeit Leipzi gefahren.  Sein Trainer is Elder Wandtke.  Wir freuen uns mit Elder Rothaermel zu arbeiten.    - Präsident und Sister Leimer

Week 3 Berlin

 Hi!  This is Winston's mom taking over this week. Winston has been so incredibly busy that he hasn't had time to write, but he hopes to find time next week as he has finally reached his first area in Leipzig.  Winston's time in Butzbach came to an end as well as his home MTC.  What is home MTC!  Traditionally prior to Covid, those who wish to serve a mission would attend the MTC which stands for Missionary Training Center.  Missionaries go to the MTC for anywhere from 3 weeks to 9 weeks depending on where they are serving and if they have to learn a foreign language.  Since Covid has made attending impossible for obvious health reasons, missionaries have been attending the MTC at home using Zoom technology.  The missionaries are grouped off into what is called Districts usually people who are either going to the same place as you or studying the same language.  There were 9 missionaries in Winston's district who came from all over. but prima...

The Temple Week 2

Hi Guys!  It has been a crazy week.  On Sunday, I gave my farewell talk to my home church congregation in Cumming, Georgia. I was supposed to give the talk before I left, but due to active outbreaks of Covid in our community, the leaders felt it necessary to postpone church services until the end of September. We held the meeting via zoom, and I was able to share my testimony in German, as well as talk about why I choose to go on a mission. I have been so busy that I haven't had an opportunity to write.  Most of my day is spent studying the gospel and learning how to be an effective missionary.  I am really looking forward to going to Berlin this weekend and on Tuesday I will start my service as a full-time missionary.  Yesterday, I had the opportunity to attend the temple with my father.  What is the temple? See the videos below as they do a better job of explaining what they are all about. Earlier in the week, I had the opportunity to visit with my Aunt a...