Week 34 Austauch with Potsdam + Zone Conference

Hey Guys!! This week was one of the best weeks ever! On Thursday we went to Potsdam for exchanges with the elders there. I was with Elder Kasunick, who was one of Elder Davis' previous comps, for the day. To start off we all decided to drive to this park and do sprachstudium there, so we did. The park we went to was really cool, it was on this hill that sloped down towards the river and there were a couple of castles. After having sprachstudium we took some pictures and drove to the Innenstadt where we got some Döner and split off. I have to say, Elder Kasunick's a pretty cool guy. He's from Colorado Springs and is into sports, reading, and video games, and will be going to BYU. While we were eating we really hit it off and basically talked about the NBA the whole time. After eating we were able to do some natural findings throughout the Innenstadt for a couple of hours and then we had an appointment with the Korpus Family. We mostly got to know each other since this was E...