Hey Guys!! Sorry for not writing in forever. I really have no good excuse, other than being lazy haha. Since the last time I wrote so much has happened. I got transferred, almost two weeks ago, to the city of Brunswick and I love it here. Transfer day was a ton of fun, being able to see a bunch of other missionaries, at Hauptbahnhof in Berlin. As I made my way to Hannover where my new comp was waiting for me, my train passed through Wolfsburg which is where Volkswagen has its international headquarters, a massive factory, and a pretty cool Museum from what I've heard (I'll definitely have to check it out some P-day). My new companion, Elder Liddiard is a total stud. He's from Mapleton, Utah, and has been out on his mission for 7 months now, but has only been in Germany since February. His story of how he got here is so crazy, he had to go through so much. He went from being in HMTC in December to flying to England, to Croatia, and then finally was able to make it into Germa...