I Can Now say I've Been to the Czech Republic Week 13

Hey Guys! This past week we went on an exchange with the Erfurt Elders. We met them in Weimar where we spent the day meeting with members for appointments. I worked alongside Elder Hale and was able to learn a ton, he's really been a fantastic district leader. We spent a good deal of time this week working on strengthening our relationship with members here in Chemnitz. I know from personal experience and from the words of living prophets that missionaries and members together make a very powerful team. Gaining the trust of the members is crucial if we want them to give us referrals. This week we also had a "Mission tour" instead of a zone conference for this transfer. The President of the European Mission Area spoke with us over zoom on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. It was awesome and really spiritually strengthening. He is a really humble and inspiring guy. This morning our friend in the Philippines (Roy) was baptized and confirmed!! Elder Rowe(my current companion)...