Light the World this Christmas Season week 18

Hey Guys!! On Tuesday we went on exchanges with Erfurt Elders over video call (cause of Rona). Elder Wilborny and I had comp study, worked through a module on edapp, and did some Facebook work together. We were planning to teach a friend but the lesson, unfortunately, fell through. Even though the exchange wasn't in-person we still had a great time and were able to learn from each other. Throughout the rest of the week, Elder Rowe and I met with friends and members. We also filmed a video for the Frieden in Christus- Südost Deutschland page about our experience giving thanks on Facebook. Posting on Facebook what I was grateful for each day was a great experience. It really helped me reflect and appreciate all the wonderful blessings Heavenly Father has given me. I know that whenever I focus on those positives I always end up much happier in life and that same rule applies to everyone. We also are about to start our Christmas campaign tomorrow, so be on the lookout for that. It is ...